Miguel Cabrera
1B | Bats/Throws: R/R | 6' 4" 267LBS | Age: 41
2021 526 472 48 121 15 0 .256 .316 .386 .702
2022 433 397 25 101 5 1 .254 .305 .317 .622
2023 370 334 21 86 4 0 .257 .322 .353 .675
21 Seasons 11,796 10,356 1,551 3,174 511 40 .306 .382 .518 .900
2021 .256 15 0 .702
2022 .254 5 1 .622
2023 .257 4 0 .675
21 Seasons .306 511 40 .900
MLB Percentile Rankings
Hits Spray Chart

Statcast Batting Statistics

Season Age Pitches Batted
Barrels Barrel % Barrel/PA Exit
Max EV Launch
LA Sweet-
Spot %
2015 32 1985 349 37 10.6 7.2 93.8 115.6 12.2 35.8 .323 .595 .413 .432 .487 53.3 16.0 15.1
2016 33 2510 484 77 15.9 11.3 93.6 114.3 12.3 40.1 .332 .677 .399 .449 .524 50.6 17.1 11.0
2017 34 2045 362 38 10.5 7.2 91.1 111.5 12.4 41.7 .282 .521 .313 .370 .437 48.2 20.8 10.2
2018 35 602 108 5 4.6 3.2 94.4 114.4 7.3 29.6 .311 .452 .360 .373 .414 54.6 17.2 14.0
2019 36 2033 390 25 6.4 4.6 90.3 111.4 12.3 38.5 .271 .436 .318 .331 .379 44.4 19.7 8.7
2020 37 909 155 15 9.7 6.5 93.2 112.2 12.1 36.8 .288 .520 .323 .379 .454 49.7 22.1 10.4
2021 38 2035 363 30 8.3 5.7 91.4 112.6 10.0 32.8 .234 .420 .305 .315 .372 49.0 22.4 7.6
2022 39 1643 301 14 4.7 3.2 89.9 111.0 5.0 35.2 .234 .331 .275 .275 .329 38.2 23.3 6.5
2023 40 1381 263 11 4.2 3.0 89.1 111.5 7.4 34.2 .247 .363 .299 .301 .337 37.6 20.0 8.4
Player 15143 2775 252 9.1 6.3 91.7 115.6 10.5 36.9 .280 .492 .337 .362 .421 47.1 19.7 10.0
MLB 7.0 4.8 88.5 122.4 12.3 33.2 .245 .405 .316 .315 .368 36.5 22.2 8.4
! Note: All figures in this table cover the period 2015-present.

Fastball: 4 Seam, 2 Seam, Cutter, Sinker. Offspeed: Split, Change, Fork, Screw. Breaking: Slider, Curve, Knuckle, Sweeper, Slurve, Other

Batted Ball Profile

Season GB % FB % LD % PU % Pull % Straight % Oppo % Weak % Topped % Under % Flare/Burner % Solid % Barrel % Barrel/PA
2015 43.3 24.9 27.5 4.3 33.5 34.1 32.1 1.7 28.7 19.2 28.9 8.9 10.6 7.2
2016 43.0 23.3 29.3 4.3 34.3 37.6 27.9 1.9 29.8 19.2 25.2 7.4 15.9 11.3
2017 40.6 23.5 32.3 3.6 27.6 39.5 32.9 3.6 28.2 19.6 27.1 10.8 10.5 7.2
2018 56.5 13.9 25.0 4.6 35.2 41.7 23.1 0.0 36.1 14.8 35.2 9.3 4.6 3.2
2019 44.9 22.3 27.9 4.9 30.0 37.2 32.8 1.3 33.1 21.5 30.5 7.2 6.4 4.6
2020 42.6 21.9 30.3 5.2 37.4 37.4 25.2 1.3 29.0 20.6 32.3 5.8 9.7 6.5
2021 49.0 25.9 21.5 3.6 32.8 37.2 30.0 3.3 34.2 21.5 22.9 8.5 8.3 5.7
2022 52.5 19.6 25.9 2.0 31.6 39.9 28.6 2.0 41.9 18.3 28.9 3.7 4.7 3.2
2023 49.8 18.3 27.4 4.6 35.7 38.8 25.5 2.3 38.0 19.8 28.1 7.6 4.2 3.0
Player 45.9 22.4 27.6 4.0 32.6 37.8 29.5 2.1 32.8 19.7 27.8 7.7 9.1 6.3
MLB 44.4 23.8 24.7 7.1 37.2 37.5 25.2 3.9 32.6 24.8 24.4 5.9 7.0 4.8
! Note: All figures in this table cover the period 2015-present.

Run Values by Pitch Type

Year Pitch Type Team RV/100 Run Value Pitches % PA BA SLG wOBA Whiff% K% PutAway % xBA xSLG xwOBA Hard Hit %
2023 4-Seam Fastball 0.4 2 521 37.7 135 .307 .474 .389 21.4 17.0 16.9 .274 .462 .368 41.9
2023 Sinker -3.4 -9 259 18.8 73 .162 .162 .221 9.3 11.0 15.4 .211 .278 .244 36.7
2023 Slider 0.1 0 228 16.5 59 .309 .400 .340 40.0 27.1 19.0 .294 .390 .319 42.5
2023 Cutter -1.9 -2 110 8.0 27 .192 .269 .219 28.3 14.8 14.8 .175 .232 .194 36.4
2023 Changeup 0.1 0 104 7.5 26 .360 .400 .352 38.3 23.1 17.1 .265 .356 .285 21.1
2023 Curveball -4.0 -3 86 6.2 29 .138 .172 .136 28.9 27.6 20.5 .216 .273 .211 33.3
2023 Sweeper 6.8 5 66 4.8 15 .417 .750 .537 39.1 40.0 28.6 .260 .451 .380 33.3
2023 Split-Finger -10.7 -1 6 0.4 5 .000 .000 .140 50.0 40.0 66.7 .045 .053 .173 0.0
2023 Screwball 9.9 0 1 0.1 -- -- -- -- -- 0.0 -- -- -- --
2022 4-Seam Fastball -1.6 -10 652 39.7 142 .283 .315 .298 23.9 19.7 16.7 .251 .365 .301 41.2
2022 Slider 0.7 2 298 18.1 93 .216 .330 .270 28.1 23.7 20.2 .223 .363 .276 36.4
2022 Sinker 0.8 2 250 15.2 72 .338 .385 .360 13.8 11.1 18.6 .307 .383 .331 39.7
2022 Changeup -0.1 0 123 7.5 32 .200 .200 .191 36.1 31.3 18.9 .133 .155 .177 42.9
2022 Cutter -0.6 -1 115 7.0 33 .267 .267 .300 40.0 24.2 29.6 .255 .303 .290 22.7
2022 Curveball -0.3 0 113 6.9 32 .194 .258 .213 40.9 40.6 31.7 .191 .260 .212 33.3
2022 Sweeper -3.3 -2 71 4.3 20 .150 .450 .245 36.6 50.0 38.5 .144 .243 .166 50.0
2022 Split-Finger -9.1 -1 12 0.7 4 .000 .000 .000 66.7 50.0 33.3 .128 .150 .120 0.0
2022 Slurve -2.3 0 8 0.5 2 .500 .500 .450 0.0 0.0 0.0 .301 .386 .290 50.0
! Note: Years are in reverse order.

Statcast Batting Run Value

Year Team PA Pitches Heart Shadow Chase Waste All
2008 647 2,396 10 5 6 8 30
2009 663 2,417 31 -12 13 11 42
2010 611 2,236 16 12 18 12 59
2011 703 2,638 17 9 39 13 79
2012 736 2,766 25 3 17 13 58
2013 676 2,509 30 18 17 14 80
2014 687 2,534 17 6 12 7 43
2015 495 1,925 11 4 18 10 43
2016 664 2,467 20 -5 9 13 37
2017 519 2,032 -16 -11 17 8 -1
2018 152 601 4 -4 7 3 10
2019 544 2,026 -17 6 9 8 7
2020 230 908 3 -2 4 5 10
2021 526 2,035 -8 -18 14 14 1
2022 430 1,642 -6 -17 7 6 -11
2023 369 1,381 -10 -13 10 6 -8
+ View Complete Swing/Take Leaderboard

Plate Discipline

Season Pitches Zone % Zone Swing % Zone Contact % Chase % Chase Contact % Edge % 1st Pitch Swing % Swing % Whiff % Meatball % Meatball Swing %
2015 1,985 43.3 68.1 83.4 27.3 64.5 40.0 32.9 44.9 23.1 5.3 78.1
2016 2,510 45.1 70.9 84.0 30.7 65.2 41.1 34.3 48.7 22.5 6.7 78.7
2017 2,045 47.1 73.0 83.8 30.3 62.2 39.9 34.7 50.3 23.1 6.8 77.5
2018 602 48.2 69.0 80.5 23.1 65.3 40.4 25.8 45.2 23.5 7.3 75.0
2019 2,033 46.0 67.9 85.3 34.0 59.4 42.6 34.0 49.6 24.4 7.7 74.8
2020 909 44.1 70.5 81.6 29.9 44.1 42.0 30.4 47.7 31.6 4.5 75.6
2021 2,035 49.3 69.1 82.0 30.2 57.1 40.1 31.9 49.4 25.8 7.6 77.4
2022 1,643 47.1 71.3 80.6 31.5 57.7 43.6 32.9 50.2 27.0 7.1 81.0
2023 1,381 50.2 68.3 81.8 28.2 56.2 41.7 31.9 48.3 25.6 7.7 73.8
Player 15,143 46.6 69.9 82.9 30.1 59.9 41.2 32.9 48.6 24.7 6.8 77.2
MLB 48.7 67.0 82.0 28.5 57.8 42.6 29.9 47.2 25.0 7.3 76.3
! Note: All figures in this table cover the period 2015-present.

Percentile Rankings

Year xwOBA xBA xSLG xISO xOBP Brl Brl% EV Max EV Hard
K% BB% Whiff% Chase
Speed OAA Arm
2015 100 100 100 98 99 84 90 100 98 100 68 97 37 62 11
2016 100 100 100 100 99 100 99 99 95 100 66 85 52 35 12 90
2017 88 85 89 84 79 83 83 96 84 97 47 67 52 31 16 32
2018 95 10
2019 50 72 45 30 63 43 35 71 79 80 64 52 52 20 6
2020 87 89 88 82 82 75 63 97 87 91 52 67 20 36 1
2021 32 19 45 57 17 49 49 85 86 88 43 32 42 29 9 7
2022 8 26 8 10 19 16 20 67 73 39 36 27 35 32 1
2023 18 37 16 12 33 7 11 44 73 29 61 49 46 49 1
+ View Complete Percentile Rankings Leaderboard

Expected Home Runs


Year Team Avg HR Trot Actual HR xHR HR-xHR Doubters Mostly Gone No Doubters No Doubter %
2016 25.8 38 46.9 -9 13 39 16 42.1
2017 24.8 16 16.4 0 11 18 3 18.8
2018 24.6 3 2.8 0 0 4 0 0.0
2019 26.4 12 11.0 1 9 12 2 16.7
2020 26.2 10 11.2 -1 2 8 5 50.0
2021 26.1 15 18.7 -4 7 16 6 40.0
2022 26.2 5 6.1 -1 5 4 3 60.0
2023 27.6 4 4.8 -1 5 3 2 50.0
Player 25.9 103 118.0 -15 52 104 37 35.9
+ View Standard Expected Home Runs

Expected Home Runs by Park


Year HR
2016 38 52 36 51 45 40 51 50 34 35 45 46 50 46 45 56 30 43 50 50 49 37 64 61 50 49 44 60 52 49 36
2017 16 19 8 20 20 16 21 19 15 9 14 23 14 12 17 21 10 14 15 20 15 12 26 19 16 12 16 26 20 17 7
2018 3 4 2 3 4 4 4 3 4 1 3 4 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 4 2 2 4 3