Tommy Pham
CF | Bats/Throws: R/R | 6' 1" 223LBS | Age: 36
Draft: 2006 | Rd: 16, #496, St. Louis Cardinals | Durango HS
2022 622 554 89 131 17 8 .236 .312 .374 .686
2023 481 426 55 109 16 22 .256 .328 .446 .774
2024 478 440 49 109 9 7 .248 .305 .368 .673
11 Seasons 4,379 3,823 608 985 139 126 .258 .346 .427 .773
2022 .236 17 8 .686
2023 .256 16 22 .774
2024 .248 9 7 .673
11 Seasons .258 139 126 .773
MLB Percentile Rankings
Hits Spray Chart

Statcast Batting Statistics

Season Age Pitches Batted
Barrels Barrel % Barrel/PA Exit
Max EV Launch
LA Sweet-
Spot %
2015 27 677 113 13 11.5 7.5 91.7 113.0 6.8 34.5 .280 .470 .352 .363 .445 44.2 23.7 11.0
2016 28 766 89 14 15.7 7.7 92.5 111.8 8.2 36.0 .223 .447 .330 .331 .507 49.4 38.8 10.9
2017 29 2120 332 31 9.3 5.8 89.6 111.6 6.9 34.3 .278 .481 .398 .377 .432 43.7 22.1 13.4
2018 30 2246 357 36 10.1 6.3 93.0 112.1 6.6 38.7 .283 .498 .359 .376 .461 49.9 24.6 11.8
2019 31 2604 445 35 7.9 5.4 90.9 113.3 5.2 29.7 .270 .455 .349 .354 .390 45.0 18.8 12.4
2020 32 499 82 6 7.3 4.8 92.8 111.1 2.4 22.0 .257 .450 .284 .353 .402 50.0 21.6 12.0
2021 33 2374 351 35 10.0 6.2 90.8 112.7 7.6 35.6 .253 .438 .318 .350 .400 47.6 22.8 13.9
2022 34 2505 392 31 7.9 5.0 92.2 112.6 7.7 33.2 .238 .383 .304 .311 .383 48.5 26.8 9.0
2023 35 1917 326 35 10.7 7.3 92.3 113.7 5.7 34.4 .284 .475 .332 .361 .429 49.1 22.0 9.8
2024 36 1923 335 24 7.2 5.0 90.4 112.9 11.0 32.2 .263 .407 .297 .319 .379 42.7 22.2 7.3
Player 17631 2822 260 9.2 5.9 91.4 113.7 7.1 33.6 .265 .448 .336 .349 .413 46.7 23.4 11.2
MLB 7.0 4.8 88.5 122.4 12.3 33.2 .245 .405 .316 .315 .368 36.5 22.2 8.4
! Note: All figures in this table cover the period 2015-present.

Fastball: 4 Seam, 2 Seam, Cutter, Sinker. Offspeed: Split, Change, Fork, Screw. Breaking: Slider, Curve, Knuckle, Sweeper, Slurve, Other

Batted Ball Profile

Season GB % FB % LD % PU % Pull % Straight % Oppo % Weak % Topped % Under % Flare/Burner % Solid % Barrel % Barrel/PA
2015 53.1 15.0 26.5 5.3 28.3 43.4 28.3 2.7 35.4 15.0 26.5 7.1 11.5 7.5
2016 46.1 19.1 31.5 3.4 27.0 38.2 34.8 2.2 37.1 14.6 19.1 10.1 15.7 7.7
2017 52.7 17.2 26.8 3.3 26.5 46.7 26.5 5.4 39.2 15.7 25.9 3.9 9.3 5.8
2018 48.2 19.9 29.1 2.8 33.9 44.5 21.6 2.8 35.3 16.0 27.7 8.1 10.1 6.3
2019 53.5 18.9 23.8 3.8 31.7 42.9 25.4 3.6 42.7 16.4 24.0 4.9 7.9 5.4
2020 62.2 18.3 19.5 0.0 39.0 41.5 19.5 1.2 39.0 18.3 24.4 7.3 7.3 4.8
2021 49.6 21.4 24.8 4.3 30.8 40.7 28.5 3.1 36.8 18.5 22.5 8.8 10.0 6.2
2022 48.2 22.4 24.7 4.6 34.2 39.8 26.0 2.3 36.0 21.7 23.5 8.2 7.9 5.0
2023 48.5 21.5 27.6 2.5 37.4 40.2 22.4 1.8 38.7 16.3 25.5 7.1 10.7 7.3
2024 44.2 22.4 27.2 6.3 33.7 37.6 28.7 2.7 32.2 23.6 26.3 7.8 7.2 5.0
Player 49.8 20.2 26.2 3.9 32.4 41.7 25.8 3.0 37.4 18.0 24.8 7.1 9.2 5.9
MLB 44.4 23.8 24.7 7.1 37.2 37.5 25.2 3.9 32.6 24.8 24.4 5.9 7.0 4.8
! Note: All figures in this table cover the period 2015-present.

Run Values by Pitch Type

Year Pitch Type Team RV/100 Run Value Pitches % PA BA SLG wOBA Whiff% K% PutAway % xBA xSLG xwOBA Hard Hit %
2024 4-Seam Fastball 0.3 2 582 30.3 150 .257 .404 .344 19.8 17.3 16.3 .307 .531 .390 53.6
2024 Slider -1.2 -5 387 20.1 86 .179 .262 .212 30.1 25.6 16.8 .190 .244 .201 29.0
2024 Sinker 1.7 6 349 18.1 91 .357 .476 .410 13.7 20.9 23.8 .303 .397 .335 43.1
2024 Changeup -0.3 -1 161 8.4 45 .140 .279 .199 31.3 31.1 21.2 .191 .293 .231 37.9
2024 Cutter 1.8 3 144 7.5 33 .308 .577 .423 17.5 6.1 6.7 .291 .502 .394 28.0
2024 Curveball 0.0 0 141 7.3 28 .250 .333 .318 21.6 28.6 15.4 .305 .489 .392 43.8
2024 Sweeper 2.5 3 107 5.6 30 .250 .286 .268 23.7 30.0 19.1 .236 .389 .295 42.1
2024 Split-Finger -4.2 -2 43 2.2 10 .100 .100 .090 30.0 40.0 19.0 .219 .316 .225 50.0
2024 Slurve -4.7 0 9 0.5 5 .200 .200 .180 50.0 40.0 100.0 .190 .317 .211 66.7
2023 4-Seam Fastball 1.3 6 492 25.7 123 .280 .589 .403 17.0 18.7 15.2 .348 .669 .467 59.3
2023 Sinker -0.5 -2 370 19.3 109 .309 .402 .347 7.5 10.1 14.9 .327 .459 .377 54.0
2023 Slider 1.7 5 299 15.6 68 .295 .475 .359 33.6 25.0 19.1 .257 .443 .328 37.8
2023 Changeup -0.6 -1 241 12.6 66 .143 .254 .209 41.4 33.3 32.8 .195 .279 .213 42.9
2023 Curveball 0.5 1 202 10.5 44 .211 .421 .325 25.8 34.1 24.2 .245 .451 .349 56.5
2023 Cutter -0.3 0 141 7.4 36 .207 .414 .328 27.8 25.0 26.5 .254 .455 .358 33.3
2023 Sweeper 0.1 0 118 6.2 20 .250 .550 .333 27.5 35.0 16.7 .241 .366 .262 23.1
2023 Split-Finger -2.0 -1 35 1.8 9 .375 .500 .417 41.2 11.1 7.1 .284 .386 .336 42.9
2023 Slurve -2.7 0 16 0.8 3 .000 .000 .233 50.0 33.3 50.0 .165 .506 .415 100.0
2023 Knuckleball 3.0 0 1 0.1 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2023 Screwball 22.9 0 1 0.1 1 -- -- .700 -- 0.0 0.0 -- -- .700 --
! Note: Years are in reverse order.

Statcast Batting Run Value

Year Team PA Pitches Heart Shadow Chase Waste All
2015 177 693 2 -1 4 3 8
2016 182 762 -5 -4 3 3 -2
2017 528 2,109 1 2 21 11 34
2018 567 2,239 -5 -13 23 11 16
2019 675 2,690 -10 -15 29 13 17
2020 149 604 -4 -5 6 2 -1
2021 558 2,374 -18 -18 23 12 -1
2022 622 2,505 -15 -16 19 11 -1
2023 544 2,182 -1 -20 17 9 4
2024 494 1,978 -5 -12 15 8 5
+ View Complete Swing/Take Leaderboard

Plate Discipline

Season Pitches Zone % Zone Swing % Zone Contact % Chase % Chase Contact % Edge % 1st Pitch Swing % Swing % Whiff % Meatball % Meatball Swing %
2015 677 48.9 59.2 82.1 24.0 54.2 43.4 24.9 41.2 25.8 7.2 75.5
2016 766 50.5 61.2 72.2 21.6 35.4 47.7 29.0 41.6 36.4 8.0 72.1
2017 2,120 50.2 59.6 85.3 16.2 55.9 46.2 24.3 37.9 21.0 7.3 70.6
2018 2,246 51.0 59.8 84.3 19.1 41.6 42.6 27.8 39.8 25.4 7.9 71.3
2019 2,604 48.5 61.6 87.3 16.4 53.2 41.6 25.7 38.4 20.2 7.7 71.0
2020 499 47.7 58.0 80.4 20.3 52.8 43.5 20.8 38.3 27.2 5.8 82.8
2021 2,374 50.4 60.0 83.4 16.0 49.7 40.9 20.2 38.2 23.6 7.2 76.2
2022 2,505 52.0 60.8 82.8 21.6 46.5 43.2 24.3 42.0 26.0 8.0 74.0
2023 1,917 49.9 60.6 86.0 20.6 48.5 42.3 23.5 40.5 23.6 7.9 67.8
2024 1,923 53.0 59.8 84.1 18.7 53.8 42.2 19.0 40.5 22.5 7.9 69.5
Player 17,631 50.5 60.3 84.0 18.7 49.2 42.9 23.9 39.7 24.0 7.6 72.0
MLB 48.7 67.0 82.0 28.5 57.8 42.6 29.9 47.2 25.0 7.3 76.3
! Note: All figures in this table cover the period 2015-present.

Percentile Rankings

Year xwOBA xBA xSLG xISO xOBP Brl Brl% EV Max EV Hard
K% BB% Whiff% Chase
Speed OAA Arm
2015 92 89