Kevin Pillar
LF | Bats/Throws: R/R | 6' 0" 210LBS | Age: 36
Draft: 2011 | Rd: 32, #979, Toronto Blue Jays | Cal State Dominguez Hills
2022 13 12 1 1 0 0 .083 .154 .167 .321
2023 206 197 29 45 9 4 .228 .248 .416 .664
2024 314 284 38 65 8 12 .229 .291 .377 .668
12 Seasons 4,366 4,088 527 1,044 114 108 .255 .293 .406 .699
2022 .083 0 0 .321
2023 .228 9 4 .664
2024 .229 8 12 .668
12 Seasons .255 114 108 .699
MLB Percentile Rankings
Hits Spray Chart

Statcast Batting Statistics

Season Age Pitches Batted
Barrels Barrel % Barrel/PA Exit
Max EV Launch
LA Sweet-
Spot %
2015 26 2262 510 9 1.8 1.4 85.8 112.4 14.0 28.4 .259 .354 .310 .290 .314 26.5 13.5 4.5
2016 27 2124 464 14 3.0 2.4 87.1 113.0 11.6 27.8 .258 .361 .295 .289 .319 30.2 15.4 4.1
2017 28 2220 498 17 3.4 2.7 86.0 111.9 13.0 33.3 .270 .401 .302 .311 .341 29.1 15.0 5.2
2018 29 1953 420 24 5.7 4.4 87.3 111.1 16.8 39.3 .280 .432 .302 .321 .375 36.7 18.1 3.3
2019 30 2127 529 26 4.9 4.0 86.4 111.7 14.1 33.1 .262 .411 .298 .300 .333 30.8 13.8 2.8
2020 31 829 167 9 5.4 4.0 87.1 108.0 13.4 34.7 .272 .435 .341 .328 .379 36.5 18.4 5.8
2021 32 1322 245 18 7.3 5.2 85.8 110.5 20.2 34.7 .224 .372 .297 .281 .338 31.8 23.3 3.2
2022 33 45 8 1 12.5 7.7 88.2 107.9 10.7 25.0 .192 .364 .150 .272 .356 25.0 30.8 7.7
2023 34 756 150 12 8.0 5.8 87.9 110.2 17.8 39.3 .255 .418 .280 .295 .377 38.7 24.3 2.9
2024 35 1206 219 8 3.7 2.5 84.6 108.8 17.9 36.5 .221 .329 .293 .275 .312 29.7 22.0 5.1
Player 14844 3210 138 4.3 3.3 86.4 113.0 14.8 33.1 .258 .389 .301 .299 .338 31.2 17.0 4.1
MLB 7.0 4.8 88.5 122.4 12.3 33.2 .245 .405 .316 .315 .368 36.5 22.2 8.4
! Note: All figures in this table cover the period 2015-present.

Fastball: 4 Seam, 2 Seam, Cutter, Sinker. Offspeed: Split, Change, Fork, Screw. Breaking: Slider, Curve, Knuckle, Sweeper, Slurve, Other

Batted Ball Profile

Season GB % FB % LD % PU % Pull % Straight % Oppo % Weak % Topped % Under % Flare/Burner % Solid % Barrel % Barrel/PA
2015 43.7 17.6 26.7 12.0 38.6 35.7 25.3 5.3 31.8 26.3 27.8 3.5 1.8 1.4
2016 46.6 17.0 25.2 11.2 36.0 34.5 29.5 4.5 35.6 25.9 24.1 4.7 3.0 2.4
2017 44.0 22.1 24.5 9.4 36.9 37.8 24.3 5.2 30.7 26.7 27.5 5.2 3.4 2.7
2018 36.7 22.9 29.8 10.7 38.6 35.5 25.5 5.0 25.7 27.1 27.4 9.0 5.7 4.4
2019 45.2 21.4 23.4 10.0 45.2 32.1 22.7 5.3 33.5 27.8 22.7 5.7 4.9 4.0
2020 40.7 25.1 27.5 6.6 34.7 41.9 23.4 4.2 27.5 28.1 27.5 5.4 5.4 4.0
2021 35.9 30.6 19.2 14.3 42.0 34.3 23.7 3.3 25.3 34.3 23.3 6.5 7.3 5.2
2022 50.0 37.5 12.5 0.0 62.5 25.0 12.5 0.0 50.0 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 7.7
2023 35.3 28.7 28.0 8.0 48.7 30.7 20.7 3.3 26.0 30.7 26.0 6.0 8.0 5.8
2024 36.1 31.5 22.4 10.0 42.0 37.4 20.5 5.0 25.6 35.2 22.8 7.8 3.7 2.5
Player 41.8 22.4 25.2 10.5 39.9 35.3 24.5 4.8 30.3 28.1 25.5 5.8 4.3 3.3
MLB 44.4 23.8 24.7 7.1 37.2 37.5 25.2 3.9 32.6 24.8 24.4 5.9 7.0 4.8
! Note: All figures in this table cover the period 2015-present.

Run Values by Pitch Type

Year Pitch Type Team RV/100 Run Value Pitches % PA BA SLG wOBA Whiff% K% PutAway % xBA xSLG xwOBA Hard Hit %
2024 4-Seam Fastball -1.5 -6 395 32.8 103 .195 .333 .281 18.8 22.3 19.0 .186 .292 .265 29.9
2024 Slider 0.0 0 241 20.0 66 .238 .381 .286 32.3 18.2 16.7 .264 .361 .292 29.4
2024 Sinker 2.5 5 186 15.4 49 .311 .600 .396 14.9 14.3 17.9 .285 .491 .357 38.5
2024 Changeup -0.4 -1 120 10.0 24 .190 .286 .267 26.8 25.0 15.4 .193 .230 .250 20.0
2024 Curveball -1.4 -1 86 7.1 23 .150 .250 .239 30.0 30.4 21.2 .174 .310 .273 38.5
2024 Sweeper 0.5 0 85 7.0 26 .240 .360 .277 21.7 19.2 14.3 .220 .287 .239 15.0
2024 Cutter 3.7 2 54 4.5 11 .545 .636 .523 33.3 18.2 15.4 .338 .427 .328 44.4
2024 Split-Finger -3.8 -1 34 2.8 10 .000 .000 .090 44.0 60.0 35.3 .019 .021 .020 0.0
2024 Slurve -10.6 -1 5 0.4 2 .000 .000 .000 50.0 50.0 100.0 .027 .048 .028 0.0
2023 4-Seam Fastball -0.3 -1 212 28.0 60 .228 .491 .324 20.7 25.0 26.8 .230 .453 .297 41.9
2023 Slider -1.0 -2 161 21.3 43 .195 .317 .226 32.2 30.2 19.7 .209 .319 .231 44.8
2023 Sinker -2.8 -4 136 18.0 37 .222 .361 .262 13.3 5.4 6.9 .340 .519 .377 35.3
2023 Changeup 0.9 1 106 14.0 28 .222 .296 .250 40.7 32.1 22.5 .250 .304 .235 15.8
2023 Curveball -0.9 -1 72 9.5 19 .222 .389 .284 23.1 31.6 21.4 .294 .482 .348 66.7
2023 Cutter 10.5 4 35 4.6 11 .455 1.000 .609 26.1 18.2 28.6 .309 .607 .383 44.4
2023 Sweeper -4.1 -1 26 3.4 5 .000 .000 .140 76.9 60.0 30.0 .051 .051 .177 0.0
2023 Split-Finger -1.8 0 2 0.3 -- -- -- 0.0 -- 0.0 -- -- -- --
! Note: Years are in reverse order.

Statcast Batting Run Value

Year Team PA Pitches Heart Shadow Chase Waste All
2013 110 437 -2 -1 0 1 -3
2014 122 420 2 -3 -2 0 -3
2015 672 2,428 -1 -12 10 7 4
2016 618 2,216 -20 -2 5 9 -8
2017 629 2,211 -7 -28 11 5 -18
2018 542 1,953 2 -14 3 6 -3
2019 639 2,122 -5 -13 3 6 -9
2020 222 829 0 -7 9 3 4
2021 348 1,323 -1 -13 8 8 2
2023 213 791 -3 -3 1 2 -3
2024 314 1,206 -7 -5 4 6 -2
+ View Complete Swing/Take Leaderboard

Plate Discipline

Season Pitches Zone % Zone Swing % Zone Contact % Chase % Chase Contact % Edge % 1st Pitch Swing % Swing % Whiff % Meatball % Meatball Swing %
2015 2,262 51.4 63.1 87.6 38.9 69.3 44.4 24.0 51.2 18.2 8.2 63.8
2016 2,124 51.1 61.3 89.5 37.3 64.4 42.1 21.7 49.6 18.5 8.1 66.5
2017 2,220 49.3 67.9 90.8 36.9 69.2 41.8 27.5 52.2 16.7 8.1 72.6
2018 1,953 48.4 67.0 86.9 41.8 63.2 43.9 24.2 54.0 22.4 6.6 76.7
2019 2,127 44.9 73.6 90.3 46.9 71.0 41.2 39.7 58.9 17.8 6.1 79.2
2020 829 49.6 67.2 84.4 36.8 57.1 42.2 26.1 51.9 25.3 7.1 89.8
2021 1,322 46.9 71.3 85.3 36.0 56.9 39.6 23.3 52.6 24.5 6.9 79.1
2022 45 44.4 65.0 84.6 40.0 40.0 40.0 53.8 51.1 34.8 8.9 75.0
2023 756 49.2 72.8 81.9 40.4 58.1 40.3 33.5 56.3 26.5 9.1 76.8
2024 1,206 48.4 67.8 85.4 37.9 58.5 41.6 30.3 52.4 24.5 7.3 81.8
Player 14,844 48.8 67.3 87.7 39.6 64.9 42.2 27.8 53.1 20.5 7.5 73.9
MLB 48.7 67.0 82.0 28.5 57.8 42.6 29.9 47.2 25.0 7.3 76.3
! Note: All figures in this table cover the period 2015-present.

Percentile Rankings

Year xwOBA xBA xSLG xISO xOBP Brl Brl% EV Max EV Hard
K% BB% Whiff% Chase
Speed OAA Arm
2015 22 59 24 17 27 20 14 10 90 17 82 10 71 6 91
2016 14 50 17 13 17 25 18 18 90 18 78 7 73 9 80 96
2017 31 71 32 22 34 33 19 16 86 17 80 10 84 7 72 28
2018 44 88 56 40 32 44 35 24 80 44 67 1 63 2 70 72
2019 16 59 30 22 8 47